What is Maintenance Chiropractic?

For the patient that may not have any particular symptoms but likes to maintain a healthy lifestyle with occasional adjustments.

The Benefits of Chiropractic as Preventative Maintenance

The Most Common Reasons Patients Seek Chiropractic as a Preventative Therapy

1. Maintain Mobility

2. Increase Flexibility

3. Decrease Stiffness & Muscle Tension

4. Prevent Tension Headaches

5. Prevent New Injuries

6. Manage Old Injuries

7. Improve Athletic Performance

8. Improve Biomechanics

How Often Should You Get Adjusted?

The Two Most Common Types of Maintenance Plans

One to Two Treatments Per Month - This is a common treatment plan for patients that exercise regularly and follow healthy lifestyle habits.

They typically seek routine chiropractic to improve mobility, function and facilitate recovery.

Two to Four Treatments Per Month - This more frequent treatment plan is common for those that may not have the time or ability to live as active of a lifestyle as they may like.

Chiropractic treatments to mobilize joints and reduce muscle tension can be a great way to help slow or even stop the negative effects of an inactive lifestyle.

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