Why Upper Cervical

The region between the top of the neck and the base of the skull may be the most important part of the spine.

Upper cervical chiropractic focuses on the top two bones of the neck - the Atlas & Axis - and the base of the skull - the occipital bone. This is a vital part of the spine because this is where the brainstem extends into the spinal cord. 

A misalignment of this region can cause strains and dysfunction that could potentially affect the entire body. This region is considered so important to overall function that some chiropractor’s primary focus is only to improve function of these joints.

At Green Space Health every patient is assessed for upper cervical misalignments.

Toggle Technique

A Gentle Adjustment with a Powerful Effect

The Toggle is one of the earliest techniques developed in the chiropractic profession. It is a precise system of evaluating and adjusting the Atlas (the first bone of your spine) just below the base of the skull.

Even the slightest misalignment of the Atlas can cause neurological impairment, headaches, dizziness/vertigo and neck pain, making the Toggle a highly effective treatment for certain conditions. 

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