Common Nutritional Tests

Green Space Health has access to over 3,000 tests and biomarkers. Below are common take-home tests provided at our office.

Vitamin D

Testings for: D 25-OH, Total D2, D3.

One of the most common vitamin deficiencies, Vitamin D plays a supportive role in bone health, immunity and brain function. 

This is a take-home test that can provide labratory results tyically within one week. 


Toxic & Essential Elements

Testings for: Zinc, Copper, Magnesium, Selenium, Cadmium, Mercury

Exposure to toxic elements like Cadmium and Mercury can have significant negative effects on overall health. Elements like zinc , copper and magnesium can be highly beneficial to optimal health. This take-home blood test is a great way to evaluate your current status. 


Cardiometabolic Profile

Testing For: Insulin, hsCRP (Inflammation), HbA1c (Blood sugar), Triglycerides, Cholesterol- LDL, HDL & VLDL

Testing your insulin, blood sugar, inflammatory levels and cholesterol is a great screening tool for overall wellness. This test is popular among patients interested in returning to exercise or making changes to improve their diet. 


Total Testosterone

Testing For: Total Testosterone

Total testosterone is both free testerone and testosterone bound to proteins. A total count gives a better understanding of overall status. 


Essential Thyroid

Testing For: Free T4, Free T3, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, TPO Antibodies.

Thyroid conditions and auto-immunity is becomming more common in the United States. This can cause weight gain, hormone imbalances and negatively effect hair and skin health. This is a great test to screen for potential problems with the thyroid and its function. 


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