What is Sacro Occipital Technique?

A gentler approach to full spine adjustments

Sacro Occipital technique, or SOT is a very gentle technique that was developed over 100 years ago. SOT focuses on the relationship between the sacrum (tailbone) and the occiput (base of the skull).

This technique is a popular option for patients that may be recovering from a trauma or someone that simply prefers a gentler approach than the traditional "popping and cracking"

Neck Adjustments Without the "Pops"

Effectively adjusting the neck without twisting or "popping"

SOT utilizes an approach to cervical adjustments that gently mobilizes the joints without any twisting or fast movements. It is a great option for patients that have just experienced a trauma or someone that simply may not be comfortable with the traditional neck adjustments.

Patients with severe arthritis, whiplash, or neurological conditions like concussions and vertigo find this to be a relaxing way to effectively have their cervical spine adjusted. 

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